Monday, September 16, 2013

The Chinese, The Taiwanese, "Fong Kong," and Labor in South Africa

This is a recording of a lecture by Dr. Yoon Jung Park, entitled "The Chinese, The Taiwanese, 'Fong Kong,' and Labor in South Africa" that took place on September 12, 2013 at the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center. Dr. Park was introduced by the director of the Center, Dr. Harold Scott. Dr. Park's lecture was followed by a question and answer session.

Introduction - 0:32
Lecture - 5:21
Questions and answers - 1:01:17

1 comment:

  1. Winslow, thanks a million for organizing this event and having the honor of hosting Dr. Park. Very informative and witty presentation. I am happy that you managed to upload the audio, especially since so many of us interested in SinoAfrica relations are located outside of the DC Metro area. Great job!
